
OstroVit Keep Sleep MELATONIN (300tabl)

Original price was: 5,80 €.Current price is: 4,00 €.

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MELATONIN – Melatoniini sisaldavate tablettide toidulisand.

OstroVit Melatonin on eriti soovitatav inimestele, kes võitlevad magamise probleemidega, töötavad vahetustega, reisivad ja sageli muutuvad ajavööndid.

Melatoniin aitab lühendada aega, mis on vajalik magama jäämiseks ja ajavööndi sündroomi äkilise muutuse subjektiivse tunde leevendamiseks. Melatoniin aitab lisaks vähendada oksüdatiivset stressi.

OstroVit Keep Sleep Melatonin is a dietary supplement in tablets containing melatonin. The product is especially recommended for people struggling with falling asleep, working in shift mode, travelling and frequently changing time zones.

  • Contains 300 servings in the package
  • 1 serving = 1 tablet
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Natural hormone


Is a derivative of tryptophan. It occurs in our body as a hormone produced by the pineal gland. In smaller amounts, melatonin is produced by the digestive system, leukocytes or bone marrow. It is called the sleep hormone, because it plays an important role during the regulation of sleep time, as well as walking throughout the day. It is responsible for the feeling of drowsiness and for lowering the temperature and blood pressure during the night.

An important problem is the sudden change of time zone, the so-called “Jet-lag”. Symptoms are caused by the disturbance of the biological clock. The proper functioning of the biological clock depends on the production of melatonin and cortisol. Melatonin helps in shortening the time needed to fall asleep and in relieving the subjective feeling of a sudden change of time zone syndrome. Melatonin additionally helps to reduce oxidative stress.

Properties of the ingredients containing in OstroVit Melatonin:

  • Help in shortening the time needed to fall asleep
  • Help to improve the overall quality of sleep
  • Helpful in relieving the subjective feeling of the sudden change of time zone syndrome
  • May have anti-inflammatory effects
  • Have antioxidant activity

Laboratory-proven quality

For the sake of our customers’ health, the products we manufacture are regularly tested in an independent accredited laboratory to ensure and maintain the highest quality.


KASUTAMINE: Võtke 1 annus (1 tablett) päevas, 30 minutit enne magamamist. Efektiivne toime ilmneb siis, kui te võtate 1 mg melatoniini vahetult enne magamaminekut või 0,5 mg vahetult enne magamaminekut oma esimesel reisipäeval ja järgnevatel päevadel pärast sihtkohta jõudmist.

HOIATUSED: Mitte ületada soovitatavat ööpäevast annust. Mitte kasutada toodet mitmekesise dieedi asendajaks. Soovitatav on tasakaalustatud toitumine ja tervislik eluviis. Mitte tarbida  kui olete allergiline mõne koostisosa suhtes. Lapsed, rasedad või imetavad naised ei tohi toodet võtta. Hoida väikelastele kättesaamatus kohas.


Toitumisalane teave

KOOSTISOSAD: täiteained; mikrokristalne tselluloos, tärklis; antikehaagendid: rasvhapete magneesiumisoolad, ränidioksiid; melatoniin.

Nutrition Facts

Active ingredients For a portion
Melatonin  1 mg